Council Meeting
12/6/23 Council meeting
The Garden Plain Elementary School 8th grade choir wished the #GP senior center a Merry Christmas at their holiday lunch...
In case you weren't able to join us for the "First Friday" lunch today at the senior center, we were blessed by the GPE ...
Council Meeting 10/4/23
Regular meeting of the Garden Plain City Council
September 6, 2023 City Council Meeting
Budget public hearing and City Council Meeting
council meeting
7/5/23 city council meeting
council meeting
4/5/23 Council meeting
3/1/23 council meeting
Regular meeting of the City Council
2/1/23 Regular meeting of the City Council
Regular meeting of the Garden Plain City Council
12/7/22 Council Meeting
Regular meeting of the Garden Plain City Council
11/2/22 council meeting
Meeting of the City Council
October 22 Council meeting
100522 City Council meeting
September 2022 council meeting
Regular meeting of the city council September 2022
6/1/22 council meeting
Council Meeting
5422 city council meeting
city council meeting
050422 City Council Meeting
Regular Council meeting
City Council Meeting 2/9/2022
Regular meeting of the City Council of Garden Plain KS